Basic Details

  • Full Name : Dr. Botta Bhavani
  • Designation : Assistant Professor (Freshman Engineering)
  • Edu. Qualification : M.Sc., Ph.D.
  • Specialization : Chemistry
  • Total Experience : 01 years
  • JNTUH ID : 3106-240807-120016
  • AICTE ID :
  • E-Mail :


  • Botta Bhavani, Madoori Mrinalini, Jonnadula Venkata Suman Krishna, Pratyay Basak, Lingamallu Giribabu and Seelam Prasanthkumar, “Conducting Nanofibers: Diagonal Scrolling of 2D Nanosheets into 1D Nanostructures via In Situ Self-Assembly”, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. Vol.3, No.1, (2021), 176–183.
  • Narra Vamsi Krishna, Botta Bhavani, Madoori Mrinalini, KS Srivishnu, Lingamallu Giribabu, Seelam Prasanthkumar, “Bulk electrolysis of Zn-phthalocyanine unveils self assembled nanospheres via anion binding”, Current Applied Physics, Vol.20, No.6, (2020), 777-781. (SCI Indexed Journal)
  • Botta Bhavani, Nageshwarrao Chanda, Vishal Kotha, Govind Reddy, Pratyay Basak, Lingamallu Giribabu, Seelam Prasanthkumar “1D alignment of Co (ii) metalated porphyrin–napthalimide based self-assembled nanowires for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution.” Nanoscale, Vol.14, (2022), 140-146. (SCI Indexed Journal)
  • Seelam Prasanthkumar, Yelukala Rama Krishna, Madarapu Naresh, Botta Bhavani “Crystalline 2d Nanoflakes from Self-Assembled Photo Driven Zn (Ii) Porphyrin–Dibenzothiophene: High Conductivity and Catalytic Activity for Hydrogen Production”SSRN Electronic Journal, 4163689,2022
  • Yelukala Ramakrishna, Madarapu Naresh, Botta Bhavani, Seelam Prasanthkumar. “Conducting 1D nanostructures from light-stimulated copper-metalated porphyrin–dibenzothiophene”. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 25, No. 36, (2023) 24539-24546
  • Md Soif Ahmed, Chinmoy Biswas, Botta Bhavani, Seelam Prasanthkumar, Dipanjan Banerjee, Vipin Kumar, Prabhakar Chetti, Lingamallu Giribabu, Venugopal Rao Soma, Sai Santosh Kumar Raavi. “Metalated porphyrin-napthalimide based donor-acceptor systems with long-lived triplet states and effective three-photon absorption”. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry. Vol. 435, (2023) 114324.
  • Yelukula Ramakrishna, Madarapu Naresh, Madoori Mrinalini, Nagadatta Pravallika, Priti Kumari, Botta Bhavani, Lingamallu Giribabu, Seelam Prasanth Kumar.“Narcissistic self-sorting in Zn (ii) porphyrin derived semiconducting nanostructures”. Nanoscale Vol. 16, No. 19 (2024) 9392-9399.
  • Md Soif Ahmed, Sudhanshu Kumar Nayak, Botta Bhavani, Dipanjan Banerjee, Seelam Prasanthkumar, Lingamallu Giribabu, Venugopal Rao Soma, Sai Santosh Kumar Raavi “Hot carrier dynamics in metalated porphyrin–naphthalimide thin films” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Vol. 26, No. 21 (2024) 15681-15692.
  • Sudhanshu Kumar Nayak, Md Soif Ahmed, Rahul Murali, Botta Bhavani, Seelam Prasanthkumar, Lingamallu Giribabu, Sai Santosh Kumar Raavi. “All-optical modulation and photonic diode based on spatial self-phase modulation in porphyrin–napthalimide molecules” Journal of Materials Chemistry C. Vol. 12, No. 26 (2024) 9841-9852.

Presentations in International Conferences

  • Md Soif Ahmed, Chinmoy Biswas, Dipanjan Banerjee, Botta Bhavani, S Prasanthkumar, Lingamallu Giribabu, Venugopal Rao Soma, Sai Santosh Kumar Raavi. “Ultrafast Photoexcited Molecular Dynamics of Metalated Porphyrin–Napthalimide Based Donor-Acceptor Systems”. CLEO: Applications and Technology. (2022), 15–20(SCI Indexed Journal)
  • Md Soif Ahmed, Chinmoy Biswas, Botta Bhavani, Lingamallu Giribabu, Venugopal Rao Soma, and Sai Santosh Kumar Raavi. “Excited State Dynamics and Nonlinear Optical Responses of Metalated Porphyrin - Napthalimide Based Donor-Acceptor Systems” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim 2022


  • Prathibha Award -2016
  • Book Chapter: 1) Seelam Prasanthkumar, Botta Bhavani, Madoori Mrinalini, Lingamallu Giribabu. “Design and construction of arlene diimide based self-assembled nanostructures” Academic Press, 81-104.
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